- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This is command 'RESTOREHATCHBOUNDARY, by Bill Zhang [2003-2-20], DevTech, Autodesk
- void BzhRestoreHatchBoundary()
- {
- // TODO: Implement the command
- // create a resbuf which is filled with filter conditions.
- struct resbuf *filter = acutBuildList(RTDXF0, 采用T("HATCH"), RTNONE);
- ads采用name ss;
- // ask users to select hatch entities.
- int res = acedSSGet(NULL, NULL, NULL, filter, ss);
- // release filter resbuf.
- acutRelRb (filter);
- if( res != RTNORM )
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\nNo hatch entities selected!"));
- return;
- }
- long length=0l;
- acedSSLength (ss, &length);
- for(long indexSS=0l; indexSS<length; indexSS++)
- {
- ads采用name eName;
- res = acedSSName(ss, indexSS, eName);
- if( res != RTNORM )
- continue;
- AcDbObjectId id;
- acdbGetObjectId(id, eName );
- AcDbHatch*pHatch=NULL;
- acdbOpenObject(pHatch, id, AcDb::kForRead );
- if( pHatch == NULL )
- continue;
- // For each loop, draw the boundary.
- int nLoops = pHatch->numLoops();
- for( int i=0;i<nLoops; i++ )
- {
- long loopType;
- if( pHatch->loopTypeAt( i ) & AcDbHatch::kPolyline )
- {
- AcGePoint2dArray vertices;
- AcGeDoubleArray bulges;
- pHatch->getLoopAt( i, loopType, vertices, bulges );
- int nVertices = vertices.length();
- AcDbPolyline *pPoly = new AcDbPolyline(nVertices);
- for( int vx=0;vx<nVertices;vx++ )
- {
- double bulge = bulges.length() < nVertices ? 0.0: bulges[vx];
- pPoly->addVertexAt( vx, vertices[vx], bulge );
- }
- // append it to the current space of AutoCAD database
- pPoly->setColorIndex(1);
- addAEntToTheCurrentSpaceAndClose(pPoly);
- }
- else
- {
- AcGePoint2dArray vertices;
- AcGeDoubleArray bulges;
- AcGeVoidPointerArray edgePtrs;
- AcGeIntArray edgeTypes;
- pHatch->getLoopAt(i, loopType,edgePtrs, edgeTypes );
- for(int j=0; j<edgePtrs.length(); j++)
- {
- switch (edgeTypes[j]){
- case AcDbHatch::kLine:
- {
- AcGeLineSeg3d *pGeLine3d = (AcGeLineSeg3d*)edgePtrs[j];
- AcGePoint3d geP1, geP2;
- geP1 = pGeLine3d->startPoint();
- geP2 = pGeLine3d->endPoint();
- AcDbLine *pLine = new AcDbLine(geP1, geP2);
- pLine->setColorIndex(1);
- addAEntToTheCurrentSpaceAndClose(pLine);
- }
- break;
- case AcDbHatch::kCirArc:
- {
- AcGePoint3d geCenter;
- double dRadius, dStartAng, dEndAng;
- AcGeCircArc3d *pGeArc = (AcGeCircArc3d*)edgePtrs[j];
- geCenter = pGeArc->center();
- dRadius = pGeArc->radius();
- dStartAng = pGeArc->startAng();
- dEndAng = pGeArc->endAng();
- double dAngDiff;
- dAngDiff = fabs( dEndAng - dStartAng - atan(double(1))*8 );
- if( dAngDiff > 1e-5 ) // It's an ARC.
- {
- AcDbArc *pArc = new AcDbArc(geCenter, dRadius, dStartAng, dEndAng);
- pArc->setColorIndex(1);
- addAEntToTheCurrentSpaceAndClose(pArc);
- }
- else // It's a circle.
- {
- AcGeVector3d geNorm = pGeArc->normal();
- AcDbCircle *pCir = new AcDbCircle(geCenter, geNorm, dRadius);
- pCir->setColorIndex(1);
- addAEntToTheCurrentSpaceAndClose(pCir);
- }
- }
- break;
- case AcDbHatch::kEllArc:
- {
- AcGePoint3d geCenter;
- AcGeVector3d geNorm,dMajorAxis, dMinorAxis;
- double dMajorRadius, dMinorRadius;
- double dStartAng, dEndAng;
- AcGeEllipArc3d *pGeEllip = (AcGeEllipArc3d*)edgePtrs[j];
- geCenter = pGeEllip->center();
- dStartAng = pGeEllip->startAng();
- dEndAng = pGeEllip->endAng();
- geNorm = pGeEllip->normal();
- dMajorAxis = pGeEllip->majorAxis();
- dMinorAxis = pGeEllip->minorAxis();
- dMajorRadius = pGeEllip->majorRadius();
- dMinorRadius = pGeEllip->minorRadius();
- AcDbEllipse *pEllip = new AcDbEllipse();
- // Note: radiusRatio = dMinorRadius/dMajorRadius (must be within [0, 1])
- pEllip->set(geCenter,geNorm,dMajorAxis*dMajorRadius,dMinorRadius/dMajorRadius);
- pEllip->setStartParam(dStartAng);
- pEllip->setEndParam(dEndAng);
- if( pEllip->isNull() == Adesk::kTrue)
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\nFailed to create an ellipse."));
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- pEllip->setColorIndex(1);
- addAEntToTheCurrentSpaceAndClose(pEllip);
- }
- }
- break;
- case AcDbHatch::kSpline:
- {
- Adesk::Boolean bIsFixSpline;
- AcGePoint3dArray fitPoints;
- AcGeTol fitTol;
- Adesk::Boolean bTangent**ist;
- AcGeVector3d startTangent, endTangent;
- int deg;
- AcGeNurbCurve3d *pGeSpline=(AcGeNurbCurve3d *)edgePtrs[j];
- assert(pGeSpline);
- deg = pGeSpline->degree();
- bIsFixSpline = pGeSpline->getFitData(fitPoints,
- fitTol,
- bTangent**ist,
- startTangent,
- endTangent);
- if( bIsFixSpline == Adesk::kTrue )
- {
- AcDbSpline *pSpline=new AcDbSpline();
- pSpline->setFitData(fitPoints,
- deg,
- fitTol.equalVector(),
- startTangent,
- endTangent);
- if( pSpline->isNull() == Adesk::kTrue)
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\nFailed to create a spline."));
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- pSpline->setColorIndex(1);
- addAEntToTheCurrentSpaceAndClose(pSpline);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Adesk::Boolean rational,closed,periodic;
- AcGePoint3dArray gePoints;
- AcGeDoubleArray geWeights;
- AcGePoint3d gePoint;
- AcGeKnotVector geKnots;
- AcGeDoubleArray dKnots;
- rational = pGeSpline->isRational();
- closed = pGeSpline->isClosed();
- periodic = Adesk::kFalse;
- for(int k=0; k<pGeSpline->numControlPoints(); k++)
- {
- gePoints.append(pGeSpline->controlPointAt(k));
- }
- for(int k=0; k<pGeSpline->numWeights(); k++)
- {
- geWeights.append(pGeSpline->weightAt(k));
- }
- geKnots = pGeSpline->knots();
- for(int k=0; k<geKnots.length(); k++)
- {
- dKnots.append(geKnots[k]);
- }
- AcDbSpline *pSpline=new AcDbSpline(deg,
- rational,
- closed,
- periodic,
- gePoints,
- dKnots,
- geWeights);
- if( pSpline->isNull() == Adesk::kTrue)
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\nFailed to create a spline."));
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- pSpline->setColorIndex(1);
- addAEntToTheCurrentSpaceAndClose(pSpline);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pHatch->close();
- }
- // free up the selection set
- acedSSFree (ss);
- }
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