- C++和ObjectARX开发一例
- //-----------------------------------------
- //开发环境
- //vs2008+vs2008sp1+ObjectArx2010+AutoCAD2010
- //vs2008新建一个win32项目或者MFC DLL项目
- //vs2008设置项目属性->配置->所有配置
- //vs2008设置项目属性->配置属性->C/C++->代码生成->运行时库=多线程 DLL (/MD)
- //vs2008设置项目属性->配置属性->C/C++->常规->附加包含目录=E:\AutoCad开发\ObjectARX2010\inc
- //vs2008设置项目属性->配置属性->连接器->常规->输出文件=$(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).arx
- //vs2008设置项目属性->配置属性->连接器->常规->附加库目录="E:\AutoCad开发\ObjectARX2010\lib-win32"
- //vs2008设置项目属性->配置属性->连接器->输入->附加依赖项=rxapi.lib acdb18.lib acge18.lib acad.lib acedapi.lib
- //-----------------------------------------
- //myArxFirst.def文件的内容
- LIBRARY "MyArxFirst"
- acrxEntryPoint PRIVATE
- acrxGetApiVersion PRIVATE
- //-----------------------------------------
- // MyArxFirst.cpp : 定义 DLL 应用程序的导出函数。
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <aced.h>
- #include <rxregsvc.h>
- //定义两个函数
- void initApp();
- void unloadApp();
- //打印"Hello world!"在AutoCAD Command上
- void helloWorld();
- void initApp()
- {
- //register a command with the AutoCAD command mechanism
- acedRegCmds->addCommand(ACRX采用T("HELLOWORLD采用COMMANDS"),
- ACRX采用T("Hello"),
- ACRX采用T("Bonjour"),
- helloWorld);
- }
- void unloadApp()
- {
- acedRegCmds->removeGroup(ACRX采用T("HELLOWORLD采用COMMANDS"));
- }
- void helloWorld()
- {
- acutPrintf(ACRX采用T("\nHello World!"));
- }
- extern "C"
- AcRx::AppRetCode
- acrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void* pkt)
- //void acrxEntryPoint(void* pkt)
- {
- switch (msg)
- {
- case AcRx::kInitAppMsg:
- acrxDynamicLinker->unlockApplication(pkt);
- acrxRegisterAppMDIAware(pkt);
- initApp();
- break;
- case AcRx::kUnloadAppMsg:
- unloadApp();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return AcRx::kRetOK;
- }
- //ObjectARX offers the following input functions. Refer to the ObjectARX Online Help for a complete description of how to use these functions.
- //acedGetInt used to get an integer value
- //acedGetReal used to get a real value
- //acedGetString used to get a string
- //acedGetAngle used to get a angle value
- //acedGetKword used to get a key word
- //acedInitGet used to initialize acedGetXXXX functions
- //acedGetFileD used to retrieve file selection from a file dialog
- //acedGetPoint used to pick a point
- //acedGetDist used to get the distance between two points
- //acedGetCorner see Online Help for a complete description
- //
- //ObjectARX offers the following functions for selection of AutoCAD entities. (Again refer to the ObjectARX Online Help for a complete description of how to use these functions).
- //
- //acedEntSel used to select a single entity
- //acedNEntSel used to select a single, nested entity
- //acedNEntSelP used to select a single, nested entity
- //acutSSGet used to select multiple entities
- //---the end----
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