- void asdkasdktightboundbox()
- {
- ads采用name eName;
- ads采用point pt;
- if( RTNORM != acedEntSel("\nPlease select a solid ", eName, pt ))
- return;
- AcDbObjectId id;
- acdbGetObjectId( id, eName );
- AcDb3dSolid*pSolid = NULL;
- acdbOpenObject(pSolid, id, AcDb::kForRead );
- if( pSolid == NULL ) {
- acutPrintf("\nObject not a solid");
- return;
- }
- double volume;
- AcGePoint3d centroid;
- double momInertia[3];
- double prodInertia[3];
- double prinMoments[3];
- AcGeVector3d prinAxes[3];
- double radiiGyration[3];
- AcDbExtents extents;
- Acad::ErrorStatus es;
- es = pSolid->getMassProp(
- volume,
- centroid,
- momInertia,
- prodInertia,
- prinMoments,
- prinAxes,
- radiiGyration,
- extents);
- AcGePoint3d max = extents.maxPoint();
- AcGePoint3d min = extents.minPoint();
- int xAxis, zAxis;
- double bigVol = (max.x - min.x ) * ( max. y - min.y ) * (max.z - min.z);
- acutPrintf("\ncalculated original box ");
- acutPrintf("\nvolume %e", bigVol );
- acutPrintf("\nOriginal box is %e the size of the object", bigVol/volume );
- // some work to make x the largest prin axis, and z the smallest.
- if(prinMoments[0] > prinMoments[1] )
- {
- xAxis = 0;
- zAxis = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- xAxis = 1;
- zAxis = 0;
- }
- if(prinMoments[zAxis] > prinMoments[2] )
- zAxis = 2;
- else if(prinMoments[xAxis] < prinMoments[2] )
- xAxis = 2;
- AcGeMatrix3d mat;
- AcGeVector3d yAxisVec = prinAxes[zAxis].crossProduct( prinAxes[xAxis]);
- mat.setCoordSystem( centroid, prinAxes[xAxis], yAxisVec, prinAxes[zAxis]);
- acutPrintf("\nxAxis %e %e %e", prinAxes[xAxis].x, prinAxes[xAxis].y,prinAxes[xAxis].z);
- acutPrintf("\nyAxis %e %e %e", yAxisVec.x, yAxisVec.y, yAxisVec.z);
- acutPrintf("\nzAxis %e %e %e", prinAxes[zAxis].x, prinAxes[zAxis].y,prinAxes[zAxis].z);
- AcDbEntity*pNewEnt = NULL;
- es = pSolid->getTransformedCopy( mat.inverse(), pNewEnt );
- if( pNewEnt == NULL )
- {
- acutPrintf("\nCannot transform solid");
- acutPrintf("\nError: %s", acadErrorStatusText(es));
- pSolid->close();
- return;
- }
- AcDbExtents newExtents;
- pNewEnt->getGeomExtents( newExtents );
- delete pNewEnt;
- //delete pNewEnt;
- max = newExtents.maxPoint();
- min = newExtents.minPoint();
- double deltaX = (max.x - min.x );
- double deltaY = ( max. y - min.y );
- double deltaZ = (max.z - min.z );
- double smallVol = deltaX * deltaY * deltaZ;
- acutPrintf("\ncalculated smaller box ");
- acutPrintf("\nvolume %e", smallVol );
- acutPrintf("\nAligned box is %e the size of the object", smallVol/volume );
- acutPrintf("\nOriginal box is %e the size of the aligned box", bigVol/smallVol);
- AcDb3dSolid*pNewSolid = new AcDb3dSolid;
- pNewSolid->createBox(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ );
- AcGePoint3d newBoxCenter = min + 0.5 * (max - min);
- pNewSolid->transformBy( mat * AcGeMatrix3d::translation( newBoxCenter - AcGePoint3d::kOrigin ) );
- AcDbBlockTableRecord*pRecord;
- acdbOpenObject(pRecord, pSolid->ownerId(), AcDb::kForWrite );
- pSolid->close();
- if( pRecord == NULL )
- {
- acutPrintf("\nCannot open BTR");
- delete pNewSolid;
- return;
- }
- pRecord->appendAcDbEntity(pNewSolid);
- pNewSolid->close();
- pRecord->close();
- }
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