- void ssNoLock(ads采用name & tss)
- {
- AcDbObjectId objId=AcDbObjectId::kNull;
- AcDbEntity *pEnt=NULL;
- AcDbObjectId layerId=AcDbObjectId::kNull ;
- AcDbLayerTableRecord *pLtblr=NULL;
- ads采用name eName;
- long i=0;
- if ( RTNORM == acedSSLength(tss,&i))
- {
- /* go through the selection set to get layerid and
- delete the entities on the locked layer from selectionset*/
- for(long j=i-1;j >= 0;)
- {
- if (RTNORM == acedSSName(tss,j--,eName))
- {
- if (Acad::eOk == acdbGetObjectId (objId ,eName))
- {
- if (Acad::eOk ==acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt,objId, AcDb::kForNotify,Adesk::kFalse))
- {
- layerId = pEnt->layerId();
- if (Acad::eOk ==acdbOpenObject(pLtblr,layerId,AcDb::kForRead,Adesk::kFalse))
- {
- if ( pLtblr->isLocked())
- {
- //delete lockedentity from selection set
- if(RTNORM !=acedSSDel(eName,tss))
- acutPrintf(L"\nFailed to delete entity from selection set");
- //close layerblock table
- if (Acad::eOk !=pLtblr->close())
- acutPrintf(L"\nFailed to close layer table record");
- }
- }
- else
- acutPrintf(L"\nFailed toopen layer table record");
- //close entity
- if (Acad::eOk != pEnt->close())
- acutPrintf(L"\nFailed toclose entity");
- }
- else
- acutPrintf(L"\nFailed to openentity");
- }
- else
- acutPrintf(L"\nFailed to open object");
- }
- } //for loop
- }
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