- //from:起点,to:终点(这两点要相邻)
- //paramDis:沿着多段线画多长
- //pl:多段线
- //pPoly:新的多段线
- static void DrawByLen(const bool& gotoNext ,const AcGePoint2d& from,const AcGePoint2d& to,const double& paramDis,const AcDbPolyline* pl,AcDbPolyline* pPoly,int& polyIndex)
- {
- if(paramDis <= 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- int len = pl->numVerts();
- AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
- AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
- AcGePoint2d ptS;
- AcGePoint2d ptE;
- bool isFind = false;
- int plIndex = 0;
- AcGeCurve2d* pCurve = NULL;
- for(int i = 0;i < len;i++)
- {
- AcDbPolyline::SegType st = pl->segType(i);
- if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
- {
- pl->getArcSegAt(i,arc2d);
- pCurve = &arc2d;
- }
- else if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kLine)
- {
- pl->getLineSegAt(i,line2d);
- pCurve = &line2d;
- }
- if(!pCurve->hasStartPoint(ptS) || !pCurve->hasEndPoint(ptE))
- {
- continue;
- }
- if(ptS == from && ptE == to || ptS == to && ptE == from)
- {
- plIndex = i;
- isFind = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- double sumDis = 0.0;
- if(isFind)
- {
- DrawIt(gotoNext,pl,paramDis,from,polyIndex,plIndex,sumDis,pPoly);
- }
- else
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\nnot found"));
- }
- }
- //summary
- //指定一个起点和一条多段线,沿着多段线画出指定距离,递归执行,每次往后(前)移动一个点,直到画完指定的距离,
- //pl:多段线
- //paramDis:画多长
- //ptStart:起始点
- //polyIndex:添加到第几个了
- //plIndex,遍历到多段线第几条线
- //isSToE,遍历的顺序1:从前向后 0:从后向前
- //sumDis,目前画的总长度
- //pPoly:画出来的多段线
- static void DrawIt(const bool& gotoNext,const AcDbPolyline* pl,const double& paramDis,const AcGePoint2d& ptStart,int& polyIndex,int& plIndex,double& sumDis,AcDbPolyline* pPoly)
- {
- AcDbPolyline::SegType st = pl->segType(plIndex);
- AcGePoint2d ptS;
- AcGePoint2d ptE;
- double leftDis = 0.0;
- double curveDis = 0.0;
- double bulge = 0.0;
- AcGeCurve2d* pCurve = NULL;
- AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
- AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
- int len = pl->numVerts();
- if(polyIndex == 2*(len - 2))
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\nend poly is %d"),polyIndex);
- return;
- }
- if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
- {
- pl->getArcSegAt(plIndex,arc2d);
- pCurve = &arc2d;!!!注意:指针的生命周期一定要大于等于指向的变量的生命周期,否则变量release掉指针就空了,再次使用指针程序直接崩溃!!
- }
- else if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kLine)
- {
- pl->getLineSegAt(plIndex,line2d);
- pCurve = &line2d;
- }
- if(!pCurve->hasStartPoint(ptS) || !pCurve->hasEndPoint(ptE))
- {
- return;
- }
- curveDis = pCurve->length(pCurve->paramOf(ptS),pCurve->paramOf(ptE));
- leftDis = paramDis - sumDis;
- pl->getBulgeAt(plIndex,bulge);
- if(curveDis > leftDis)
- {
- double paramEnding = 0.0;
- if(gotoNext)
- {
- AcGePoint2d ptEnding;
- AcGePoint2d ptS;
- pCurve->hasStartPoint(ptS);
- GetPtAtDistOnCurve(pCurve,ptS,leftDis,ptEnding,Adesk::kTrue);
- bulge = tan(atan(bulge) * leftDis/curveDis);
- pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptS,bulge);
- polyIndex ++;
- pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptEnding);
- }
- else
- {
- AcGePoint2d ptEnding;
- AcGePoint2d ptE;
- pCurve->hasEndPoint(ptE);
- GetPtAtDistOnCurve(pCurve,ptE,leftDis,ptEnding,Adesk::kFalse);
- bulge = tan(atan(bulge) * leftDis/curveDis);
- pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptE,-bulge);
- polyIndex ++;
- pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptEnding);
- }
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- if(gotoNext)
- {
- pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptS,bulge);
- polyIndex ++;
- pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptE);
- polyIndex ++;
- //acutPrintf(采用T("\nplIndex is %d,poly is %d。is goto next,bulge is %.2f"),plIndex,polyIndex,bulge);
- }
- else
- {
- pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptE,-bulge);
- polyIndex ++;
- pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptS);
- polyIndex ++;
- }
- /*acutPrintf(采用T("\nptS[X] :%.2f,ptS[Y]:%.2f,ptE[X]:%.2f,ptE[Y]:%.2f"),ptS[X],ptS[Y],ptE[X],ptE[Y]);*/
- sumDis += curveDis;
- }
- if(gotoNext)
- {
- plIndex = plIndex < len - 1 ? ++plIndex : 0;
- }
- else
- {
- plIndex = plIndex > 0 ? --plIndex : len - 1;
- }
- DrawIt(gotoNext,pl,paramDis,ptStart,polyIndex,plIndex,sumDis,pPoly);
- }
- 反回曲线上一定距离的点(默认从起点开始计算)
- pCurve:曲线指针,dist:距离,point:要返回的点
- Adesk::Boolean isGotoNext true:沿着正向寻找,false:沿着反方向寻找
- static void GetPtAtDistOnCurve(const AcGeCurve2d* pCurve,const AcGePoint2d& ptInput,double dist,AcGePoint2d& point,Adesk::Boolean isGotoNext)
- {
- if(pCurve == NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- AcGePoint2d ptS;
- ptS = ptInput;
- double pa = 0.0;
- double datumParam = 0.0;
- //Adesk::Boolean posParamDir = Adesk::kTrue;
- datumParam = pCurve->paramOf(ptS);
- pa = pCurve->paramAtLength(datumParam,dist,isGotoNext);
- point = pCurve->evalPoint(pa);
- }
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