- 1. 系统变量查询与设置,暂停使用户输入,与AutoCAD的参数传递(acedCommand)等;
- acedSetVar:设置系统变量
- acedGetVar:获取系统变量值
- result = acedCommand(RTSTR, "Zoom", RTSTR, PAUSE, RTNONE); //使用PAUSE暂停,让用户输入
- result = acedCommand(RTSTR, "circle", RTSTR, "5,5", RTSTR, PAUSE, RTSTR, "line", RTSTR, "5,5", RTSTR, "7,5", RTSTR, "", 0);
- acedInvoke:调用其它ARX注册的外部函数
- acedCommond:调用全局命令
- 2. 获取用户输入函数;
- 函数名
- 功能
- acedGetInt
- 获取一个整数
- acedGetReal
- 获取一个浮点
- acedGetDist
- 获取一个距离
- acedGetAngle
- 获取一个角度
- acedGetOrient
- 获取一个方向角
- acedGetPoint
- 获取一个点
- acedGetCorner
- 获取矩形的对角点
- acedGetKword
- 获取用户输入的关键字
- acedGetString
- 获取字符串
- ads采用usrbrk取消命令如何使用?
- 对于acedGetString的获取的各种字符如何处理?
- 3. 类型转换函数;
- acdbRToS() converts a real value, an angle to string values
- acdbAngToS()
- acdbDisToF() convert strings back into real (distance) values or angles
- acdbAngToF()
- 4. 字符处理函数;
- acutIsAlpha
- Verifies that the character is alphabetic
- acutIsUpper
- Verifies that the character is uppercase
- acutIsLower
- Verifies that the character is lowercase
- acutIsDigit
- Verifies that the character is a digit
- acutIsXDigit
- Verifies that the character is a hexadecimal digit
- acutIsSpace
- Verifies that the character is a white-space character
- acutIsPunct
- Verifies that the character is a punctuation character
- acutIsAlNum
- Verifies that the character is alphanumeric
- acutIsPrint
- Verifies that the character is printable
- acutIsGraph
- Verifies that the character is graphical
- acutIsCntrl
- Verifies that the character is a control character
- acutToUpper
- Converts the character to uppercase
- acutToLower
- Converts the character to lowercase
- 5. 坐标变换函数;
- acutCvUnit() takes a value expressed in one system of units and returns the equivalent value in another system
- acedTrans() function translates a point or a displacement from one coordinate system into another
- 6. 显示控制函数;
- acedPrompt displays a message on the AutoCAD prompt line
- acutPrintf() displays text on the text screen.
- acdbFail() displays messages on the text screen
- acedMenuCmd() provides control of the display of the graphics screen menu
- acedGraphScr() display the graphics screen
- acedTextScr() display the text screen
- acedTextPage() like acedTextScr(), but it clears the text screen before displaying it (as the AutoCAD STATUS command does)
- acedRedraw() similar to the AutoCAD REDRAW command
- acedGrDraw()
- acedGrVecs()
- 7、图形交互函数。
- acedTablet()
- acutWcMatch()
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