- Acad::ErrorStatus setAlignmentPoint(AcDbText &text, const AcGePoint3d &pt)
- {
- if (!text.isWriteEnabled())
- return Acad::eNotOpenForWrite;
- AcDb::TextHorzMode hmode = text.horizontalMode();
- AcDb::TextVertMode vmode = text.verticalMode();
- if ((hmode == AcDb::kTextLeft) && (vmode == AcDb::kTextBase))
- return text.setPosition(pt); // only here position() is relevant and alignmentPoint() not
- else
- return text.setAlignmentPoint(pt); // here alignmentPoint() is relevant
- }
- AcGePoint3d getAlignmentPoint(const AcDbText &text)
- {
- AcDb::TextHorzMode hmode = text.horizontalMode();
- AcDb::TextVertMode vmode = text.verticalMode();
- if ((hmode == AcDb::kTextLeft) && (vmode == AcDb::kTextBase))
- return text.position(); // only here position() is relevant and alignmentPoint() not
- else
- return text.alignmentPoint(); // here alignmentPoint() is relevant
- }
- void cmdTestText()
- {
- ads采用point pt;
- ads采用name ent;
- AcDbObjectId objId;
- if (acedEntSel(采用T("\nSelect Text: "), ent, pt) != RTNORM)
- return;
- if (acdbGetObjectId(objId, ent) != Acad::eOk) //ads采用name-->AcDbObjectId
- return;
- Acad::ErrorStatus es;
- AcDbText *pText = NULL;
- AcDbText *pText2 = NULL;
- AcGePoint3d ptAlign;
- AcGeVector3d vNormal;
- double rot = 0.0;
- Adesk::Boolean bMirrX=false, bMirrY=false;
- if ( (es=acdbOpenObject(pText, objId, AcDb::kForRead)) == Acad::eOk )
- {
- pText2 = AcDbText::cast(pText->clone()); // Create a clone
- pText2->setDatabaseDefaults();
- pText2->setColorIndex(1); //red
- pText2->mirrorInX(false);
- pText2->mirrorInY(false);
- ptAlign = getAlignmentPoint(*pText);
- vNormal = pText->normal();
- rot = pText->rotation();
- bMirrX = pText->isMirroredInX();
- bMirrY = pText->isMirroredInY();
- pText->close();
- }
- AcGeVector3d vx, vy, vz(vNormal);
- vx = vz.perpVector();
- vy = (vz.crossProduct(vx)).normalize();
- AcGeVector3d vxRot(vx);
- vxRot.rotateBy(rot, vz); // The rotated x-Axis
- AcGeMatrix3d mat;
- mat.setCoordSystem(ptAlign, vx, vy, vz);
- bool bNeedZMirror = false;
- if (bMirrX)
- {
- bNeedZMirror = !bNeedZMirror;
- AcGePlane planeXZ(ptAlign, AcGeVector3d::kYAxis);
- AcGeMatrix3d matMirrY;
- matMirrY.setToMirroring(planeXZ);
- mat.preMultBy(matMirrY);
- }
- if (bMirrY)
- {
- bNeedZMirror = !bNeedZMirror;
- AcGePlane plane(ptAlign, AcGeVector3d::kXAxis);
- AcGeMatrix3d matMirr;
- matMirr.setToMirroring(plane);
- mat.preMultBy(matMirr);
- }
- if (bNeedZMirror)
- {
- // Make sure that mat is not mirroring
- AcGePlane plane(AcGePoint3d::kOrigin, AcGeVector3d::kZAxis);
- AcGeMatrix3d matMirr;
- matMirr.setToMirroring(plane);
- mat.preMultBy(matMirr);
- }
- AcGeVector3d vx2, vy2, vz2;
- AcGePoint3d origin;
- mat.getCoordSystem(origin, vx2, vy2, vz2);
- // Calculate rotation value of vxRot with respect to vx2 and vz2
- double rot2 = vx2.angleTo(vxRot, vz2);
- // Create a second Text entity without mirroring
- pText2->setNormal(vz2);
- pText2->setRotation(rot2);
- postToDb(pText2);
- es = setAlignmentPoint(*pText2, ptAlign);
- es = pText2->adjustAlignment();
- pText2->close();
- }
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