- void ClearCollection(AcArray<AcDbEntity *> &arr)
- {
- for (AcDbEntity *ent : arr) {
- if (ent) {
- if (!ent->database())
- delete ent;
- else
- ent->close();
- }
- }
- arr.setLogicalLength(0);
- }
- Acad::ErrorStatus appendWithColor(AcArray<AcDbEntity *> &arr,
- AcDbBlockTableRecord *btr, uint16采用t col)
- {
- Acad::ErrorStatus esRet = Acad::eOk, es;
- for (AcDbEntity *ent : arr) {
- if (ent != nullptr) {
- // Note that my implementation of ClearCollection() just close()s
- // DB-resident entities Non resident entities will be deleted.
- ent->setDatabaseDefaults(btr->database());
- ent->setColorIndex(col);
- es = btr->appendAcDbEntity(ent);
- // we don't close ent!
- if (es) esRet = es;
- }
- }
- return esRet;
- }
- void cgsa采用section()
- {
- Acad::ErrorStatus es;
- AcDb3dSolid *solid = nullptr;
- ads采用name ename;
- ads采用point pt;
- if (acedEntSel(L"\nPick a solid: ", ename, pt) != RTNORM) return;
- AcDbObjectId idSolid;
- es = acdbGetObjectId(idSolid, ename);
- if (!es) {
- es = acdbOpenObject(solid, idSolid);
- if (!es) {
- }
- }
- else
- return;
- AcDbExtents extents;
- solid->getGeomExtents(extents);
- auto minX = extents.minPoint().x;
- auto minY = extents.minPoint().y;
- auto minZ = extents.minPoint().z;
- auto maxX = extents.maxPoint().x;
- auto maxY = extents.maxPoint().y;
- auto maxZ = extents.maxPoint().z;
- AcGePoint3dArray sectVertices;
- sectVertices.append(AcGePoint3d(minX, minY, minZ));
- sectVertices.append(AcGePoint3d(minX, maxY, minZ));
- AcDbDatabase *db = solid->database();
- AcDbSection *pSection = new AcDbSection(sectVertices, AcGeVector3d::kZAxis);
- pSection->setDatabaseDefaults(db);
- AcDbSection §ion = *pSection;
- AcDbSectionSettings* pSettings;
- section.getSettings(pSettings, AcDb::kForWrite);
- section.setState(AcDbSection::kPlane);
- es = pSection->setHeight(AcDbSection::kHeightAboveSectionLine, 100);
- es = pSection->setHeight(AcDbSection::kHeightBelowSectionLine, -100);
- AcArray<AcDbEntity *> intBoundaryEnts;
- AcArray<AcDbEntity *> intFillEnts;
- AcArray<AcDbEntity *> backgroundEnts;
- AcArray<AcDbEntity *> foregroundEnts;
- AcArray<AcDbEntity *> curveTangencyEnts;
- es = section.generateSectionGeometry(solid, intBoundaryEnts, intFillEnts,
- backgroundEnts, foregroundEnts,
- curveTangencyEnts);
- if (es == Acad::eOk) {
- AcGeMatrix3d mat;
- mat.setToTranslation(AcGeVector3d(1000, 0, 0));
- AcDbObjectId idModelSpace = acdbSymUtil()->blockModelSpaceId(db);
- AcDbBlockTableRecord *modelspace;
- es = acdbOpenObject(modelspace, idModelSpace, AcDb::kForWrite);
- if (!es) {
- es = modelspace->appendAcDbEntity(pSection);
- if (!es)
- pSection->close();
- else
- delete pSection;
- appendWithColor(intBoundaryEnts, modelspace, 1);
- appendWithColor(intFillEnts, modelspace, 2);
- appendWithColor(backgroundEnts, modelspace, 3);
- appendWithColor(foregroundEnts, modelspace, 4);
- appendWithColor(curveTangencyEnts, modelspace, 5);
- modelspace->close();
- }
- }
- ClearCollection(intBoundaryEnts);
- ClearCollection(intFillEnts);
- ClearCollection(backgroundEnts);
- ClearCollection(foregroundEnts);
- ClearCollection(curveTangencyEnts);
- }
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