这段代码首先从用户选择集中获取实体,然后创建一个新的块并将这些实体复制到新块中。最后,将原来的实体替换为指向新块的新插入参照,保持其原始位置不变。注意这只是一个基础示例,实际操作中还需要考虑更多细节,如错误处理、事务管理等。- #include "acedinpt.h" // For acedSSGet
- #include "dbmain.h" // For AcDbEntity and related classes
- #include "dbdict.h" // For AcDbDictionary
- #include "dbidmap.h" // For AcDbIdMapping
- #include "dbtrans.h" // For AcDbTransaction
- // Function to create a block from the selected set of entities and insert it back at the same location
- void CreateBlockFromSelection()
- {
- ads采用name ss;
- struct resbuf rb;
- // Get the user selection
- acedSSGet(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ss);
- // Check if there's a valid selection
- if (ss != RTNORM)
- return;
- AcDbVoidPtrArray entities;
- Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbGsMarker(ss, entities);
- if (es != Acad::eOk)
- {
- acutPrintf("\nFailed to get entities from selection.");
- return;
- }
- if (entities.isEmpty())
- {
- acutPrintf("\nNo entities were selected.");
- return;
- }
- // Start a transaction
- AcDbTransaction trans;
- es = trans.start();
- if (es != Acad::eOk)
- {
- acutPrintf("\nFailed to start transaction.");
- return;
- }
- try
- {
- // Open the current database in write mode
- AcDbDatabase* pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();
- // Define a unique block name
- char blockName[64];
- 采用itoa(time(NULL), blockName, 10); // Use timestamp as a simple way to generate a unique name
- // Create the block definition
- AcDbBlockTableRecord* pNewBlock = new AcDbBlockTableRecord();
- es = pNewBlock->setName(blockName);
- if (es != Acad::eOk)
- {
- delete pNewBlock;
- throw std::runtime采用error("Failed to set block name.");
- }
- // Append entities to the block table record
- AcDbBlockTableRecord::Iterator iter(*pNewBlock);
- for (int i = 0; i < entities.length(); ++i)
- {
- AcDbEntity* pEnt;
- es = acdbOpenObject(pEnt, (AcDbObjectId)entities[i], AcDb::kForWrite);
- if (es == Acad::eOk)
- {
- pEnt->upgradeOpen();
- es = pNewBlock->appendAcDbEntity(iter, pEnt);
- if (es != Acad::eOk)
- {
- pEnt->close();
- throw std::runtime采用error("Failed to append entity to block.");
- }
- pEnt->close();
- }
- }
- // Add the block definition to the block table dictionary
- AcDbDictionary* pBlockDict;
- es = pDb->getSymbolTable(pBlockDict, AcDb::kForWrite);
- if (es == Acad::eOk)
- {
- es = pBlockDict->setAt(blockName, pNewBlock, AcDb::kTrue);
- if (es != Acad::eOk)
- {
- throw std::runtime采用error("Failed to add block to dictionary.");
- }
- pBlockDict->close();
- }
- // Insert the block back to the original locations
- AcDbIdMapping idMap;
- AcDbBlockReference* pBlkRef;
- for (int i = 0; i < entities.length(); ++i)
- {
- AcDbEntity* pEnt;
- es = acdbOpenObject(pEnt, (AcDbObjectId)entities[i], AcDb::kForWrite);
- if (es == Acad::eOk)
- {
- AcGeMatrix3d oldToNew;
- oldToNew.setToIdentity();
- pBlkRef = new AcDbBlockReference();
- pBlkRef->setBlockTableRecord(pNewBlock->objectId());
- pBlkRef->setPosition(pEnt->position()); // Set insert point to entity's original position
- pBlkRef->setTransform(oldToNew);
- es = pEnt->handOverTo(idMap, pBlkRef);
- if (es != Acad::eOk)
- {
- delete pBlkRef;
- throw std::runtime采用error("Failed to handover entity to block reference.");
- }
- pBlkRef->close();
- pEnt->erase();
- pEnt->close();
- }
- }
- // Commit the transaction
- trans.commit();
- }
- catch (const std::exception& ex)
- {
- acutPrintf("\nError: %s", ex.what());
- trans.abort();
- }
- // Clear the selection set
- acdbClear采用ss(ss);
- }
- // Call the function
- CreateBlockFromSelection();
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