- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "TlHelp32.h"
- #include "GetProcess.h"
- #include "Psapi.h"
- #include "winver.h"
- #include "MSCorEE.h"
- CString strWindows = _T("");
- #pragma comment(lib, "version.lib")
- #pragma comment(lib, "Psapi.lib")
- #pragma comment(lib, "mscoree.lib")
- {
- WORD wLanguage;
- WORD wCodePage;
- } *lpTranslate;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //另外方法
- //枚举回调函数
- BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hWnd,LPARAM lParam)
- {
- DWORD dwProcessId(0);
- //通过窗口句柄获取进程ID
- GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcessId);
- ::GetWindowText(hWnd,szText,MAX_PATH);
- //匹配遍历窗口进程号与通过进程名得到的进程号
- TRACE( _T("EnumWindowsProc..hWnd=0x%x, ProcessID=%d, WindowsText=%s \n"), hWnd, dwProcessId, szText );
- if(dwProcessId == pInfo->dwProcessId && IsWindowVisible(hWnd))
- {
- TCHAR szClassName[80];
- GetClassName(hWnd,szClassName,80);
- HWND hParent = (HWND)::GetWindowLong(hWnd,-8); //GWL_HWNDPARENT ;_WIN64, GWLP_HWNDPARENT
- if (hParent == 0 && _tcsncmp(szClassName,_T("Afx"),3) == 0 )
- {
- strWindows +=_T("\n");
- strWindows += szText;
- //CString strTemp;
- //strTemp.Format(_T("窗口句柄:%ld,父窗口句柄:%ld,窗口文本%s,窗口类别:%s"),hWnd,hParent,szText,szClassName);
- //AfxMessageBox(strTemp);
- pInfo->hWnd = hWnd;
- pInfo->strClassName = szClassName;
- pInfo->strWindowText = szText;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- //获取所有的CAD的进程号,窗口句柄,类名,窗口标题,
- int GFindWindows(LPCTSTR proc_name,vector<WNDINFO> &WndSet)
- {
- int num=0;//返回的窗口句柄数目
- WndSet.clear();
- DWORD dwPID = 0; //一个临时PID
- int a[MAX_PATH];//存放进程PID的数组
- DWORD Proc_num=0;//进程数量
- CString procname(proc_name);
- //匹配进程名是否含 exe
- if (_tcscmp(procname.Right(procname.GetLength() - procname.ReverseFind('.') - 1),_T("exe")))
- {
- return -1;//参数错误返回-1
- }
- //************************根据进程名称获取进程ID***********//
- HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
- if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSnapshot)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { sizeof(pe) };
- BOOL fOk;
- for (fOk = Process32First(hSnapshot, &pe); fOk; fOk = Process32Next(hSnapshot, &pe))
- {
- CString temp;
- TRACE(_T("当前查找进程的名称是: %s\n"),pe.szExeFile);
- TRACE(_T("当前进程PID: %d \n"),pe.th32ProcessID);
- if (!_tcscmp(pe.szExeFile, proc_name))
- {
- //CloseHandle(hSnapshot);
- temp.Format(_T("当前进程PID: %d \n"),pe.th32ProcessID);
- TRACE(_T("当前匹配的进程PID: %d \n"),pe.th32ProcessID);
- a[Proc_num] = pe.th32ProcessID;
- Proc_num++;
- }
- }
- //进程数量为0 提示找不到进程 返回为0;
- if (Proc_num==0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else//找到一个匹配进程
- {
- strWindows.Empty();
- //对一个进程名有多个相同进程ID的全部数组进行处理
- for (DWORD j=0;j<Proc_num;j++)
- {
- wi.hWnd = NULL;
- wi.dwProcessId =a[j];//将获取到的进程ID传给结构体
- wi.strAppPath = GetProcessPath(a[j]);
- wi.strVersion = GetAppVersion(wi.strAppPath);
- //遍历顶层窗口获取窗口句柄
- EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc,(LPARAM)&wi);
- //判断当前进程是否无窗口 无窗口句柄则不保存
- if (wi.hWnd!=NULL)
- {
- WndSet.push_back(wi); //如果是需要的进程,则加入!!!!!!
- }
- }
- //AfxMessageBox(strWindows);
- return num;//返回句柄个数
- }
- }
- //获取文件版本号
- CString GetAppVersion(LPCTSTR pcszFileName)
- {
- if (_tcscmp(pcszFileName,_T("X64")) == 0)
- {
- return pcszFileName;
- }
- //上面的小段为我加
- DWORD dwSize = 0;
- DWORD uiSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(pcszFileName,&dwSize);
- if (0 == uiSize)
- {
- //0 意味着GetFileVersionInfoSize 函数调用失败
- return _T("");
- }
- PTSTR pBuffer = new TCHAR[uiSize];
- if (NULL == pBuffer)
- {
- //分配内存失败:)
- return _T("");
- }
- memset((void*)pBuffer,0,uiSize);
- //获取exe 或 DLL 的资源信息,存放在pBuffer内
- if(!GetFileVersionInfo(pcszFileName,0,uiSize,(PVOID)pBuffer))
- {
- //GetFileVersionInfo 调用失败.
- delete []pBuffer;
- return _T("");
- }
- LANGANDCODEPAGE *pLanguage = NULL; //这里这样设置没关系了。
- UINT uiOtherSize = 0;
- //获取资源相关的 codepage 和language
- if (!VerQueryValue(pBuffer,_T("\\VarFileInfo\\Translation"),
- (PVOID*)&pLanguage,&uiOtherSize))
- {
- //出错
- delete []pBuffer;
- return _T("");
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //超级重点
- LPVOID pTmp = NULL; //一定要把pTmp这个变量设置成PVOID或LPVOID型的
- //否则无法获取信息。你不信可以试。
- //TCHAR *pTmp = NULL;
- //或下面这样的设置
- //memset((void*)pTmp,0,sizeof(pTmp));
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- memset((void*)SubBlock,0,sizeof(SubBlock));
- CString strVersion;
- for(UINT i=0; i < (uiOtherSize / sizeof(LANGANDCODEPAGE)); i++ )
- {
- //获取每种 CodePage 和 Language 资源的相关信息
- wsprintf(SubBlock,
- TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\FileVersion"),
- pLanguage[i].wLanguage,
- pLanguage[i].wCodePage);
- // Comments InternalName ProductName
- // CompanyName LegalCopyright ProductVersion
- // FileDescription LegalTrademarks PrivateBuild
- // FileVersion OriginalFilename SpecialBuild
- // OriginalFilename 可由上面的各种代替。
- // Retrieve file description for language and code page "i".
- int nRet = VerQueryValue(pBuffer,SubBlock, (LPVOID*)&pTmp, &uiOtherSize);
- if (nRet != 0)
- {
- strVersion.Format(_T("%s"),(TCHAR*)pTmp);
- }
- }
- delete []pBuffer;
- pBuffer = NULL;
- return strVersion;
- }
- //获取进程路径
- CString GetProcessPath( DWORD idProcess )
- {
- // 获取进程路径
- TCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
- // 打开进程句柄,需要管理员权限
- if( NULL != hProcess )
- {
- DWORD cbNeeded;
- // 获取路径
- if( EnumProcessModules( hProcess, &hMod, (DWORD)sizeof( hMod ), (LPDWORD)&cbNeeded ) )
- {
- DWORD dw = GetModuleFileNameEx( hProcess, hMod, szProcessName, MAX_PATH );
- }
- else
- {
- //此处最可能碰到299错误,即如果编译成32位程序,去调用64位CAD
- TRACE(_T("出错代码是:%d"),GetLastError());
- int nError = GetLastError(); //WSAGetLastError
- if (nError == 299)
- {
- CloseHandle(hProcess);
- return _T("X64"); //64位的CAD
- }
- }
- CloseHandle( hProcess );
- }
- return (szProcessName);
- }
- //将wchar_t* 转成char*的实现函数如下:
- char *w2c(const wchar_t *pwstr)
- {
- //size_t nlength=wcslen(pwstr);
- //获取转换后的长度
- size_t nbytes = WideCharToMultiByte( 0, // specify the code page used to perform the conversion
- 0, // no special flags to handle unmapped characters
- pwstr, // wide character string to convert
- -1,//nlength, // the number of wide characters in that string
- NULL, // no output buffer given, we just want to know how long it needs to be
- 0,
- NULL, // no replacement character given
- NULL ); // we don't want to know if a character didn't make it through the translation
- // make sure the buffer is big enough for this, making it larger if necessary
- //if( nbytes > len)
- //nbytes=len;
- char *pcstr = new char[nbytes];
- // 通过以上得到的结果,转换unicode 字符为ascii 字符
- WideCharToMultiByte( 0, // specify the code page used to perform the conversion
- 0, // no special flags to handle unmapped characters
- pwstr, // wide character string to convert
- -1,//nlength, // the number of wide characters in that string
- pcstr, // put the output ascii characters at the end of the buffer
- nbytes, // there is at least this much space there
- NULL, // no replacement character given
- NULL );
- return pcstr ;
- }
- //把ascii 字符转换为unicode字符
- wchar_t* c2w(wchar_t *pwstr, const char *str)
- {
- wchar_t* buffer=NULL;
- if(str != NULL)
- {
- size_t nu = strlen(str);
- size_t n =(size_t)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,(const char *)str,int(nu),NULL,0);
- buffer = new wchar_t[n+1];
- ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,(const char *)str,int(nu),buffer,int(n));
- }
- return buffer;
- }
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