- class DLLIMPEXP MyLineEx : public AcDbEntity {
- public:
- protected:
- static Adesk::UInt32 kCurrentVersionNumber ;
- private:
- AcGePoint3d m采用ptStart;
- AcGePoint3d m采用ptEnd;
- public:
- MyLineEx () ;
- MyLineEx (const AcGePoint3d& s,const AcGePoint3d& e);
- virtual ~MyLineEx () ;
- //----- AcDbObject protocols
- //- Dwg Filing protocol
- 保存,复制
- virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dwgOutFields (AcDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const ;
- virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dwgInFields (AcDbDwgFiler *pFiler) ;
- //----- AcDbEntity protocols
- //- Graphics protocol
- protected:
- 显示的时候调用
- virtual Adesk::Boolean subWorldDraw (AcGiWorldDraw *mode) ;
- 暂时不知道
- virtual Adesk::UInt32 subSetAttributes (AcGiDrawableTraits *traits) ;
- 单击时候触发,显示夹点
- virtual Acad::ErrorStatus subGetGripPoints(
- AcGePoint3dArray& gripPoints,
- AcDbIntArray& osnapModes,
- AcDbIntArray& geomIds) const;
- 移动时候触发
- virtual Acad::ErrorStatus subMoveGripPointsAt(const AcDbIntArray& indices,
- const AcGeVector3d& offset);
- 捕捉的时候
- virtual Acad::ErrorStatus subGetOsnapPoints(
- AcDb::OsnapMode osnapMode,
- Adesk::GsMarker gsSelectionMark,
- const AcGePoint3d& pickPoint,
- const AcGePoint3d& lastPoint,
- const AcGeMatrix3d& viewXform,
- AcGePoint3dArray& snapPoints,
- AcDbIntArray & geomIds) const;
- 移动,旋转
- virtual Acad::ErrorStatus subTransformBy(const AcGeMatrix3d& xform);
- 暂时不知道
- virtual Acad::ErrorStatus subGetTransformedCopy(const AcGeMatrix3d& xform,
- AcDbEntity*& pEnt) const;
- } ;
- //===========================================================================
- MyLineEx::MyLineEx () : AcDbEntity () {
- }
- MyLineEx::MyLineEx(const AcGePoint3d& s,const AcGePoint3d& e)
- {
- m采用ptStart[X] = s[X];
- m采用ptStart[Y] = s[Y];
- m采用ptStart[Z] = s[Z];
- m采用ptEnd[X] = e[X];
- m采用ptEnd[Y] = e[Y];
- m采用ptEnd[Z] = e[Z];
- }
- MyLineEx::~MyLineEx () {
- }
- 单击实体的时候用到,添加夹点
- Acad::ErrorStatus MyLineEx::subGetGripPoints(
- AcGePoint3dArray& gripPoints,
- AcDbIntArray& osnapModes,
- AcDbIntArray& geomIds) const
- {
- //acedInitGet(RSG采用NOZERO + RSG采用NONULL+RSG采用NONEG,采用T(""));
- assertReadEnabled();
- // TODO: implement this function.
- AcGeVector3d vecLine = m采用ptEnd - m采用ptStart;
- acutPrintf(采用T("\nsubGetGripPoints"));
- gripPoints.append(m采用ptStart);
- gripPoints.append(m采用ptEnd);
- gripPoints.append(m采用ptStart + vecLine / 2.0);
- gripPoints.append(m采用ptStart + vecLine / 3.0);
- return Acad::eOk;
- }
- 拖动夹点的时候用到,indices为夹点数组的下标数组
- Acad::ErrorStatus MyLineEx::subMoveGripPointsAt(const AcDbIntArray& indices,
- const AcGeVector3d& offset)
- {
- assertWriteEnabled();
- // TODO: implement this function.
- assertReadEnabled();
- int len = indices.length();
- for(int i = 0;i < len; i++)
- {
- int k = indices[i];
- switch(k)
- {
- case 0:
- m采用ptStart += offset;
- break;
- case 1:
- m采用ptEnd += offset;
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- m采用ptStart += offset;
- m采用ptEnd += offset;
- break;
- default:break;
- }
- }
- return Acad::eOk;
- }
- 捕捉的时候调用,添加捕捉点(交点不是这个函数)
- Acad::ErrorStatus MyLineEx::subGetOsnapPoints(
- AcDb::OsnapMode osnapMode,
- Adesk::GsMarker gsSelectionMark,
- const AcGePoint3d& pickPoint,
- const AcGePoint3d& lastPoint,
- const AcGeMatrix3d& viewXform,
- AcGePoint3dArray& snapPoints,
- AcDbIntArray & geomIds) const
- {
- //assertWriteEnabled();
- // TODO: implement this function.
- assertReadEnabled();
- // TODO: implement this function.
- snapPoints.append(m采用ptStart);
- snapPoints.append(m采用ptEnd);
- snapPoints.append(m采用ptStart + (m采用ptEnd - m采用ptStart) / 2);
- snapPoints.append(m采用ptStart + (m采用ptEnd - m采用ptStart) / 3);
- //snapPoints.append(m采用ptStart + (m采用ptEnd - m采用ptStart) / 4);
- /*return Acad::eOk;*/
- return Acad::eOk;/*AcDbEntity::getOsnapPoints(osnapMode, gsSelectionMark, pickPoint, lastPoint, viewXform, snapPoints, geomIds);*/
- }
- 实现移动,旋转等变换
- Acad::ErrorStatus MyLineEx::subTransformBy(const AcGeMatrix3d& xform)
- {
- assertReadEnabled();
- assertWriteEnabled();
- m采用ptStart.transformBy(xform);
- m采用ptEnd.transformBy(xform);
- //m采用center.transformBy(mat);
- return Acad::eOk;
- }
- Acad::ErrorStatus MyLineEx::subGetTransformedCopy(const AcGeMatrix3d& xform,AcDbEntity*& pEnt) const
- {
- assertReadEnabled();
- //AcGePoint3d ptS = m采用ptStart;
- //AcGePoint3d ptE = m采用ptEnd;
- //
- //ptS.transformBy(xform);
- //ptE.transformBy(xform);
- //AcDbLine* ent = new AcDbLine(m采用ptStart,m采用ptEnd);
- //assert(ent != NULL);
- //ent->setPropertiesFrom(this);
- //pEnt = ent;
- acutPrintf(采用T("\naaa"));
- //m采用ptStart.transformBy(xform);
- //m采用ptEnd.transformBy(xform);
- return Acad::eOk;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----- AcDbObject protocols
- //- Dwg Filing protocol
- Acad::ErrorStatus MyLineEx::dwgOutFields (AcDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const {
- assertReadEnabled () ;
- //----- Save parent class information first.
- Acad::ErrorStatus es =AcDbEntity::dwgOutFields (pFiler) ;
- if ( es != Acad::eOk )
- return (es) ;
- //----- Object version number needs to be saved first
- if ( (es =pFiler->writeUInt32 (MyLineEx::kCurrentVersionNumber)) != Acad::eOk )
- return (es) ;
- //----- Output params
- //.....
- 这两句加上才能复制
- pFiler->writePoint3d(m采用ptStart);
- pFiler->writePoint3d(m采用ptEnd);
- return (pFiler->filerStatus ()) ;
- }
- Acad::ErrorStatus MyLineEx::dwgInFields (AcDbDwgFiler *pFiler) {
- assertWriteEnabled () ;
- //----- Read parent class information first.
- Acad::ErrorStatus es =AcDbEntity::dwgInFields (pFiler) ;
- if ( es != Acad::eOk )
- return (es) ;
- //----- Object version number needs to be read first
- Adesk::UInt32 version =0 ;
- if ( (es =pFiler->readUInt32 (&version)) != Acad::eOk )
- return (es) ;
- if ( version > MyLineEx::kCurrentVersionNumber )
- return (Acad::eMakeMeProxy) ;
- //- Uncomment the 2 following lines if your current object implementation cannot
- //- support previous version of that object.
- //if ( version < MyLineEx::kCurrentVersionNumber )
- // return (Acad::eMakeMeProxy) ;
- //----- Read params
- //.....
- 这两句加上,才能复制
- pFiler->readPoint3d(&m采用ptStart);
- pFiler->readPoint3d(&m采用ptEnd);
- return (pFiler->filerStatus ()) ;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----- AcDbEntity protocols
- Adesk::Boolean MyLineEx::subWorldDraw (AcGiWorldDraw *mode) {
- assertReadEnabled () ;
- //获取虚线线型ID
- mode->subEntityTraits().setColor(150);
- AcGePoint3d Verts[2];
- Verts[0]=m采用ptStart;
- Verts[1]=m采用ptEnd;
- mode->geometry().polyline(2,Verts);
- return (AcDbEntity::subWorldDraw (mode)) ;
- }
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