- struct resbuf rbBackGroundPlot;
- acedGetVar(采用T("BACKGROUNDPLOT"), &rbBackGroundPlot);
- if (rbBackGroundPlot.restype == RTSHORT && rbBackGroundPlot.resval.rint != 0)
- {
- int nOld = rbBackGroundPlot.resval.rint;
- rbBackGroundPlot.resval.rint = 0;
- acedSetVar(采用T("BACKGROUNDPLOT"), &rbBackGroundPlot);
- rbBackGroundPlot.resval.rint = nOld;
- }
- AcDbLayoutManager* pLayMan = acdbHostApplicationServices()->layoutManager();
- if (NULL != pLayMan)
- {
- //get the active layout
- AcDbLayout* pLayout = pLayMan->findLayoutNamed(pLayMan->findActiveLayout(TRUE), TRUE);//获得当前布局
- AcDbObjectId m采用layoutId = pLayout->objectId();//获得布局的Id
- AcPlPlotInfo plotInfo;
- AcDbPlotSettingsValidator* pPSV = acdbHostApplicationServices()->plotSettingsValidator();
- plotInfo.setLayout(pLayout->objectId());//必须设置
- AcDbPlotSettings* m采用pSetting = new AcDbPlotSettings(pLayout->modelType());
- m采用pSetting->copyFrom(pLayout);
- pPSV->refreshLists(m采用pSetting);
- m采用pSetting->setShadePlot(AcDbPlotSettings::kAsDisplayed);
- m采用pSetting->setShadePlotResLevel(AcDbPlotSettings::kNormal);
- m采用pSetting->setScaleLineweights(false);
- m采用pSetting->setPrintLineweights(true);
- m采用pSetting->setPlotTransparency(false);
- m采用pSetting->setPlotPlotStyles(true);
- m采用pSetting->setDrawViewportsFirst(true);
- m采用pSetting->setShowPlotStyles(true);
- if (suffix == ".pdf")
- {
- es = pPSV->setPlotCfgName(m采用pSetting, L"DWG to PDF.pc3", L"ISO采用FULL采用BLEED采用A4采用(210.00采用x采用297.00采用MM)");//"ISO采用FULL采用BLEED采用A4采用(297.00采用x采用210.00采用MM)"
- es = pPSV->setPlotPaperUnits(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::kMillimeters);
- pPSV->setPlotWindowArea(m采用pSetting, extent.minPoint().x, extent.minPoint().y, extent.maxPoint().x, extent.maxPoint().y);
- pPSV->setPlotOrigin(m采用pSetting, (extent.minPoint().x + extent.maxPoint().x) / 2, (extent.minPoint().y + extent.maxPoint().y) / 2);
- pPSV->setPlotType(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::kWindow);
- es = pPSV->setCustomPrintScale(m采用pSetting, 1.0, 采用ttof(bl) / 1000.0);//PDF
- }
- else
- {
- es = pPSV->setPlotCfgName(m采用pSetting, L"CASS采用RASTER采用JPG.pc3", L"UserDefinedRaster (1200.00 x 1600.00像素)");//"UserDefinedRaster (1782.00 x 1260.00像素)"
- es = pPSV->setPlotPaperUnits(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::kPixels);
- es = pPSV->setPlotType(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::kExtents);
- es = pPSV->setCustomPrintScale(m采用pSetting, 1.0, 采用ttof(bl) / 18000.0);//JPG
- }
- es = pPSV->setPlotRotation(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::k0degrees);
- es = pPSV->setCurrentStyleSheet(m采用pSetting, L"acad.ctb");
- //全部配置名称
- /*AcArray<const ACHAR*> mMediaList;
- pPSV->plotDeviceList(mMediaList);
- std::vector<CString> arrMediaNames;
- pPSV->canonicalMediaNameList(m采用pSetting, mMediaList);
- for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < mMediaList.length(); ++nIndex)
- arrMediaNames.push采用back(mMediaList[nIndex]);*/
- // Specify that we want our plot centered by AutoCAD...
- es = pPSV->setPlotCentered(m采用pSetting, true);
- es = pPSV->setUseStandardScale(m采用pSetting, FALSE);
- pPSV->setZoomToPaperOnUpdate(m采用pSetting, true);
- plotInfo.setOverrideSettings(m采用pSetting);
- // 验证这些设置。
- AcPlPlotInfoValidator validator;
- validator.setMediaMatchingPolicy(AcPlPlotInfoValidator::kMatchEnabled);
- es = validator.validate(plotInfo);
- AcPlPlotEngine* pEngine = NULL;
- if (Acad::eOk == AcPlPlotFactory::createPublishEngine(pEngine))
- {
- // Here is the progress dialog for the current plot process...
- AcPlPlotProgressDialog* pPlotProgDlg = acplCreatePlotProgressDialog(acedGetAcadFrame()->m采用hWnd, false, 1);
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kDialogTitle, 采用T("Plot API Progress"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kCancelJobBtnMsg, 采用T("Cancel Job"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kCancelSheetBtnMsg, 采用T("Cancel Sheet"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kSheetSetProgressCaption, 采用T("Job Progress"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kSheetProgressCaption, 采用T("Sheet Progress"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotProgressRange(0, 100);
- pPlotProgDlg->onBeginPlot();
- pPlotProgDlg->setIsVisible(true);
- es = pEngine->beginPlot(pPlotProgDlg);
- AcPlPlotPageInfo pageInfo;
- // Used to describe how the plot is to be made.
- //AcPlPlotInfo plotInfo;
- // First, set the layout to the specified layout
- // (which is the current layout in this sample).
- //plotInfo.setLayout(layoutId);// This is required.
- // Now, override the layout settings with the plot settings
- // we have been populating.
- //plotInfo.setOverrideSettings(pPlotSettings);
- // We need to validate these settings.
- //AcPlPlotInfoValidator validator;
- //validator.setMediaMatchingPolicy(AcPlPlotInfoValidator::kMatchEnabled);
- //es = validator.validate(plotInfo);
- // Begin document. The version we call is dependent
- // on the plot-to-file status.
- //const TCHAR* szDocName = acDocManager->curDocument()->fileName();
- CString szDocName = acDocManager->curDocument()->fileName();
- CString outPutFilePath = szDocName;
- int n = outPutFilePath.ReverseFind('.');
- outPutFilePath = outPutFilePath.Left(n);
- //outPutFilePath += ".jpg";
- outPutFilePath += suffix;
- //if (m采用bPlotToFile)
- es = pEngine->beginDocument(plotInfo, szDocName, NULL, 1, true, outPutFilePath);
- //else
- //es = pEngine->beginDocument(plotInfo, szDocName);
- // Follow through sending commands to the engine,
- // and notifications to the progress dialog.
- pPlotProgDlg->onBeginSheet();
- pPlotProgDlg->setSheetProgressRange(0, 100);
- pPlotProgDlg->setSheetProgressPos(0);
- es = pEngine->beginPage(pageInfo, plotInfo, true);
- es = pEngine->beginGenerateGraphics();
- es = pEngine->endGenerateGraphics();
- es = pEngine->endPage();
- pPlotProgDlg->setSheetProgressPos(100);
- pPlotProgDlg->onEndSheet();
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotProgressPos(100);
- es = pEngine->endDocument();
- es = pEngine->endPlot();
- // Destroy the engine
- pEngine->destroy();
- pEngine = NULL;
- // and the progress dialog.
- pPlotProgDlg->destroy();
- }
- else
- {
- // Ensure the engine is not already busy...
- AfxMessageBox(L"Plot Engine is Busy...");
- }
- pLayout->close();
- m采用pSetting->close();
- }
- void CMyPalette1ChildDlg::OnBnClickedButton15()
- {
- // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
- AcApDocument* pDoc = acDocManager->curDocument();
- if (pDoc == nullptr)
- {
- return;
- }
- string filePath = CW2A(pDoc->fileName());
- //LPITEMIDLIST pidl=ParsePidlFromPath(filePath);
- ACHAR szPath[MAX采用PATH]; //存放选择的目录路径
- string path;
- ZeroMemory(szPath, sizeof(szPath));
- bi.hwndOwner = m采用hWnd;// 父窗口句柄
- bi.pidlRoot = CSIDL采用DESKTOP;// 要显示的文件夾的根(Root) CSIDL采用DESKTOP
- bi.pszDisplayName = szPath;// 保存被选取的文件夾路径的缓冲区
- bi.lpszTitle = L"请选择文件夹的目录:";// 显示位于对话框左上部的标题
- bi.ulFlags = BIF采用RETURNONLYFSDIRS;// 指定对话框的外观和功能的標志
- bi.lpfn = NULL;// 处理事件的回调函数
- bi.lParam = 0;// 应用程序传给回调函数的参数
- bi.iImage = 0;// 保存被选取的文件夾的图片索引
- //弹出选择目录对话框
- LPITEMIDLIST lp = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);
- if (lp == NULL)
- {
- AfxMessageBox(L"无效的目录,请重新选择");
- return;
- }
- SHGetPathFromIDList(lp, szPath);
- LPMALLOC lpMalloc;
- if (FAILED(SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc)))
- return;
- lpMalloc->Free(lp);
- lpMalloc->Release();
- path = CW2A(szPath);
- std::vector<std::string> files;
- CGeometryOper::getAllFiles(path, files, "", ".dwg");
- files.erase(std::remove(files.begin(), files.end(), filePath), files.end());
- //acDocManager->lockDocument(pDoc, AcAp::kWrite, NULL, NULL, true);
- //AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
- Acad::ErrorStatus es;
- AutoCAD::IAcadApplication* pAcad = nullptr;
- LPDISPATCH pAcadDisp = acedGetIDispatch(TRUE);
- hr = pAcadDisp->QueryInterface(AutoCAD::IID采用IAcadApplication, (void**)&pAcad);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- pAcadDisp->Release();
- }
- /*AutoCAD::IAcadPreferences* pPreferences;
- AutoCAD::IAcadPreferencesFiles* pPreferFiles;
- BSTR Path;
- pAcad->get采用Preferences(&pPreferences);
- pPreferences->get采用Files(&pPreferFiles);
- pPreferFiles->get采用PrinterConfigPath(&Path);
- CString CPath = Path;
- SysFreeString(Path);
- pPreferFiles->Release();
- pPreferences->Release();*/
- CString suffix = ".jpg";
- acedInitGet(NULL, 采用T("J P"));
- ACHAR szKeyword[128] = { 0 };
- int nRet = acedGetKword(采用T("\n请输入关键字确定打印方式[(J)JPG/(P)PDF]<J>:"), szKeyword);
- if (RTCAN == nRet)
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\n取消打印"));
- return;
- }
- else if (RTNONE == nRet)
- {
- //acutPrintf(采用T("\n使用默认值"));
- }
- else if (RTNORM == nRet)
- {
- if (采用tcscmp(szKeyword, 采用T("J")) == 0)
- {
- }
- else if (采用tcscmp(szKeyword, 采用T("P")) == 0)
- {
- suffix = ".pdf";
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++)
- {
- CString sfile = files[i].c采用str();
- es = acDocManager->appContextOpenDocument(sfile);
- if (eOk == es)
- {
- AcApDocument* tmpDoc = acDocManager->curDocument();
- AcDbDatabase* pDb = tmpDoc->database();
- pDb->closeInput();
- pAcad->ZoomExtents();
- pDb->updateExt(TRUE);
- acDocManager->lockDocument(tmpDoc, AcAp::kRead, NULL, NULL, true);
- AcTransactionManager* pTrans = tmpDoc->transactionManager();
- //tmpDoc->pushDbmod();
- CString bl;
- AcDbExtents extent;
- //获得模型空间的块表记录
- AcDbBlockTableRecord* pBlkTblRcd = NULL;
- AcDbBlockTableRecordPointer pBlkRcd(ACDB采用MODEL采用SPACE, pDb, AcDb::kForRead);
- AcDbBlockTableRecordIterator* iter;
- extent.addBlockExt(pBlkRcd);
- pBlkRcd->newIterator(iter);
- for (iter->start(); !iter->done(); iter->step())
- {
- AcDbObjectId id;
- es = iter->getEntityId(id);
- if (es != Acad::eOk || !id.isValid())
- continue;
- // TODO 处理实体
- AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbEntity> jzdEnt(id, AcDb::kForRead);
- if (Acad::eOk != jzdEnt.openStatus())
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (jzdEnt->isKindOf(AcDbText::desc())) {
- AcDbText* pText = AcDbText::cast(jzdEnt);
- CString text = pText->textString();
- if (text.Find(L"1:") == 0 || text.Find(L"比例尺 1:") == 0)
- {
- int pos = text.Find(L":");
- bl = text.Mid(pos + 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (jzdEnt->isKindOf(AcDbBlockReference::desc()))
- {
- AcDbBlockReference* pBlkRef = AcDbBlockReference::cast(jzdEnt);
- AcDbObjectId idBlkDef = pBlkRef->blockTableRecord();
- AcDbBlockTableRecordPointer pBlkTblRcdp(idBlkDef, AcDb::kForRead);
- if (Acad::eOk != pBlkTblRcdp.openStatus()) continue;
- ACHAR* name;
- pBlkTblRcdp->getName(name);
- CString blockname = name;
- if (name != NULL)acutDelString(name);
- if (blockname.MakeLower().Find(L"gddjtk") == 0)
- {
- AcDbVoidPtrArray entitySet;
- es = pBlkRef->explode(entitySet);
- if (es != Acad::eOk)
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\n炸开块失败"));
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < entitySet.length(); i++)
- {
- AcDbEntity* pEnty = (AcDbEntity*)entitySet.at(i);
- if (pEnty != NULL)
- {
- if (pEnty->isKindOf(AcDbText::desc())) {
- AcDbText* pText = AcDbText::cast(pEnty);
- CString text = pText->textString();
- if (text.Find(L"1:") == 0 || text.Find(L"比例尺 1:") == 0)
- {
- int pos = text.Find(L":");
- bl = text.Mid(pos + 1);
- pEnty->close();
- break;
- }
- }
- pEnty->close();
- }
- }
- }
- entitySet.removeAll();
- entitySet.setLogicalLength(0);
- break;
- }
- //判断指定的块表记录是否包含属性定义
- if (!pBlkTblRcdp->hasAttributeDefinitions())
- {
- continue;
- }
- //直接获取图块的属性迭代器
- AcDbObjectIterator* pIter = pBlkRef->attributeIterator();
- //无论图块是否有属性,迭代器一般不会为NULL
- if (NULL == pIter)
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\n获取属性迭代器失败!"));
- continue;
- }
- //设置判断是否能获取到属性
- for (pIter->start(); !pIter->done(); pIter->step())
- {
- AcDbObjectId attribId = pIter->objectId();
- AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbAttribute> pAttrib(attribId, AcDb::kForRead);
- if (Acad::eOk != pAttrib.openStatus())
- {
- continue;
- }
- //方式一
- CString strTag;
- strTag = pAttrib->tag();
- if (strTag == "比例尺" || strTag == "BLC")
- {
- CString strValue;
- strValue = pAttrib->textString();
- int pos = strValue.Find(L":");
- bl = strValue.Mid(pos + 1);
- break;
- }
- //方式二
- /*ACHAR* szTag = pAttrib->tag();
- ACHAR* szValue = pAttrib->textString();
- if (szTag != NULL && szValue != NULL)
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\n属性名: %s 属性值: %s"), szTag, szValue);
- }
- else
- {
- acutPrintf(采用T("\n获取属性值失败!"), szTag, szValue);
- }
- if (szTag != NULL)
- {
- acutDelString(szTag);
- }
- if (szValue != NULL)
- {
- acutDelString(szValue);
- }*/
- }
- //释放迭代器
- delete pIter;
- if (!bl.IsEmpty())
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // 释放迭代器对象,关闭快表记录
- delete iter;
- pBlkRcd.release(pBlkTblRcd);//智能指针变普通指针
- pBlkTblRcd->close();
- acDocManager->unlockDocument(tmpDoc);
- pTrans->abortTransaction();
- //pDb->saveAs(sfile);
- //pDb->save();
- //tmpDoc->formatForSave();
- //tmpDoc->popDbmod();
- if (!bl.IsEmpty())
- {
- struct resbuf rbBackGroundPlot;
- acedGetVar(采用T("BACKGROUNDPLOT"), &rbBackGroundPlot);
- if (rbBackGroundPlot.restype == RTSHORT && rbBackGroundPlot.resval.rint != 0)
- {
- int nOld = rbBackGroundPlot.resval.rint;
- rbBackGroundPlot.resval.rint = 0;
- acedSetVar(采用T("BACKGROUNDPLOT"), &rbBackGroundPlot);
- rbBackGroundPlot.resval.rint = nOld;
- }
- AcDbLayoutManager* pLayMan = acdbHostApplicationServices()->layoutManager();
- if (NULL != pLayMan)
- {
- //get the active layout
- AcDbLayout* pLayout = pLayMan->findLayoutNamed(pLayMan->findActiveLayout(TRUE), TRUE);//获得当前布局
- AcDbObjectId m采用layoutId = pLayout->objectId();//获得布局的Id
- AcPlPlotInfo plotInfo;
- AcDbPlotSettingsValidator* pPSV = acdbHostApplicationServices()->plotSettingsValidator();
- plotInfo.setLayout(pLayout->objectId());//必须设置
- AcDbPlotSettings* m采用pSetting = new AcDbPlotSettings(pLayout->modelType());
- m采用pSetting->copyFrom(pLayout);
- pPSV->refreshLists(m采用pSetting);
- m采用pSetting->setShadePlot(AcDbPlotSettings::kAsDisplayed);
- m采用pSetting->setShadePlotResLevel(AcDbPlotSettings::kNormal);
- m采用pSetting->setScaleLineweights(false);
- m采用pSetting->setPrintLineweights(true);
- m采用pSetting->setPlotTransparency(false);
- m采用pSetting->setPlotPlotStyles(true);
- m采用pSetting->setDrawViewportsFirst(true);
- m采用pSetting->setShowPlotStyles(true);
- if (suffix == ".pdf")
- {
- es = pPSV->setPlotCfgName(m采用pSetting, L"DWG to PDF.pc3", L"ISO采用FULL采用BLEED采用A4采用(210.00采用x采用297.00采用MM)");//"ISO采用FULL采用BLEED采用A4采用(297.00采用x采用210.00采用MM)"
- es = pPSV->setPlotPaperUnits(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::kMillimeters);
- pPSV->setPlotWindowArea(m采用pSetting, extent.minPoint().x, extent.minPoint().y, extent.maxPoint().x, extent.maxPoint().y);
- pPSV->setPlotOrigin(m采用pSetting, (extent.minPoint().x + extent.maxPoint().x) / 2, (extent.minPoint().y + extent.maxPoint().y) / 2);
- pPSV->setPlotType(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::kWindow);
- es = pPSV->setCustomPrintScale(m采用pSetting, 1.0, 采用ttof(bl) / 1000.0);//PDF
- }
- else
- {
- es = pPSV->setPlotCfgName(m采用pSetting, L"CASS采用RASTER采用JPG.pc3", L"UserDefinedRaster (1200.00 x 1600.00像素)");//"UserDefinedRaster (1782.00 x 1260.00像素)"
- es = pPSV->setPlotPaperUnits(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::kPixels);
- es = pPSV->setPlotType(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::kExtents);
- es = pPSV->setCustomPrintScale(m采用pSetting, 1.0, 采用ttof(bl) / 18000.0);//JPG
- }
- es = pPSV->setPlotRotation(m采用pSetting, AcDbPlotSettings::k0degrees);
- es = pPSV->setCurrentStyleSheet(m采用pSetting, L"acad.ctb");
- //全部配置名称
- /*AcArray<const ACHAR*> mMediaList;
- pPSV->plotDeviceList(mMediaList);
- std::vector<CString> arrMediaNames;
- pPSV->canonicalMediaNameList(m采用pSetting, mMediaList);
- for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < mMediaList.length(); ++nIndex)
- arrMediaNames.push采用back(mMediaList[nIndex]);*/
- // Specify that we want our plot centered by AutoCAD...
- es = pPSV->setPlotCentered(m采用pSetting, true);
- es = pPSV->setUseStandardScale(m采用pSetting, FALSE);
- pPSV->setZoomToPaperOnUpdate(m采用pSetting, true);
- plotInfo.setOverrideSettings(m采用pSetting);
- // 验证这些设置。
- AcPlPlotInfoValidator validator;
- validator.setMediaMatchingPolicy(AcPlPlotInfoValidator::kMatchEnabled);
- es = validator.validate(plotInfo);
- AcPlPlotEngine* pEngine = NULL;
- if (Acad::eOk == AcPlPlotFactory::createPublishEngine(pEngine))
- {
- // Here is the progress dialog for the current plot process...
- AcPlPlotProgressDialog* pPlotProgDlg = acplCreatePlotProgressDialog(acedGetAcadFrame()->m采用hWnd, false, 1);
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kDialogTitle, 采用T("Plot API Progress"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kCancelJobBtnMsg, 采用T("Cancel Job"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kCancelSheetBtnMsg, 采用T("Cancel Sheet"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kSheetSetProgressCaption, 采用T("Job Progress"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotMsgString(AcPlPlotProgressDialog::kSheetProgressCaption, 采用T("Sheet Progress"));
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotProgressRange(0, 100);
- pPlotProgDlg->onBeginPlot();
- pPlotProgDlg->setIsVisible(true);
- es = pEngine->beginPlot(pPlotProgDlg);
- AcPlPlotPageInfo pageInfo;
- // Used to describe how the plot is to be made.
- //AcPlPlotInfo plotInfo;
- // First, set the layout to the specified layout
- // (which is the current layout in this sample).
- //plotInfo.setLayout(layoutId);// This is required.
- // Now, override the layout settings with the plot settings
- // we have been populating.
- //plotInfo.setOverrideSettings(pPlotSettings);
- // We need to validate these settings.
- //AcPlPlotInfoValidator validator;
- //validator.setMediaMatchingPolicy(AcPlPlotInfoValidator::kMatchEnabled);
- //es = validator.validate(plotInfo);
- // Begin document. The version we call is dependent
- // on the plot-to-file status.
- //const TCHAR* szDocName = acDocManager->curDocument()->fileName();
- CString szDocName = acDocManager->curDocument()->fileName();
- CString outPutFilePath = szDocName;
- int n = outPutFilePath.ReverseFind('.');
- outPutFilePath = outPutFilePath.Left(n);
- //outPutFilePath += ".jpg";
- outPutFilePath += suffix;
- //if (m采用bPlotToFile)
- es = pEngine->beginDocument(plotInfo, szDocName, NULL, 1, true, outPutFilePath);
- //else
- //es = pEngine->beginDocument(plotInfo, szDocName);
- // Follow through sending commands to the engine,
- // and notifications to the progress dialog.
- pPlotProgDlg->onBeginSheet();
- pPlotProgDlg->setSheetProgressRange(0, 100);
- pPlotProgDlg->setSheetProgressPos(0);
- es = pEngine->beginPage(pageInfo, plotInfo, true);
- es = pEngine->beginGenerateGraphics();
- es = pEngine->endGenerateGraphics();
- es = pEngine->endPage();
- pPlotProgDlg->setSheetProgressPos(100);
- pPlotProgDlg->onEndSheet();
- pPlotProgDlg->setPlotProgressPos(100);
- es = pEngine->endDocument();
- es = pEngine->endPlot();
- // Destroy the engine
- pEngine->destroy();
- pEngine = NULL;
- // and the progress dialog.
- pPlotProgDlg->destroy();
- }
- else
- {
- // Ensure the engine is not already busy...
- AfxMessageBox(L"Plot Engine is Busy...");
- }
- pLayout->close();
- m采用pSetting->close();
- }
- }
- acDocManager->appContextCloseDocument(tmpDoc);
- tmpDoc = nullptr;
- }
- sfile.ReleaseBuffer();
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- pAcad->Release();
- }
- files.clear();
- //actrTransactionManager->abortTransaction();
- //acDocManager->unlockDocument(pDoc);
- acutPrintf(采用T("\n完成!\n"));
- }
- void CGeometryOper::getAllFiles(const std::string& path, std::vector<std::string>& files, const string& fileName, const string& fileType, bool recursive)
- {
- //文件句柄
- long long hFile = 0;
- //文件信息
- struct 采用finddata采用t fileinfo;
- string p;
- if ((hFile = 采用findfirst(p.assign(path).append("\\*").c采用str(), &fileinfo)) != -1) {
- do {
- if ((fileinfo.attrib & 采用A采用SUBDIR)) { //比较文件类型是否是文件夹
- if (strcmp(fileinfo.name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(fileinfo.name, "..") != 0) {
- //files.push采用back(p.assign(path).append("\").append(fileinfo.name));
- //递归搜索
- if (recursive)
- {
- getAllFiles(p.assign(path).append("\").append(fileinfo.name), files, fileName, fileType);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- string name = fileinfo.name;
- string ImgNameNoTag = name.substr(0, name.rfind("."));//获取不带后缀的文件名
- string ImgNameTag = name.substr(name.rfind("."), name.length());//获取后缀名
- if (fileType.empty())
- {
- if (fileName.empty())
- {
- files.push采用back(p.assign(path).append("\").append(fileinfo.name));
- }
- else
- {
- if (ImgNameNoTag.find(fileName) != string::npos)
- {
- files.push采用back(p.assign(path).append("\").append(fileinfo.name));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- transform(ImgNameTag.begin(), ImgNameTag.end(), ImgNameTag.begin(), ::tolower);
- if (ImgNameTag.find(fileType) != string::npos)
- {
- if (fileName.empty())
- {
- files.push采用back(p.assign(path).append("\").append(fileinfo.name));
- }
- else
- {
- if (ImgNameNoTag.find(fileName) != string::npos)
- {
- files.push采用back(p.assign(path).append("\").append(fileinfo.name));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } while (采用findnext(hFile, &fileinfo) == 0); //寻找下一个,成功返回0,否则-1
- 采用findclose(hFile);
- }
- }
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