- void setDimTxtOblique()
- {
- AcGePoint3d pt1, pt2;
- double baseAng, oblAng;
- AcGePoint3d ptDim;
- AcGeMatrix3d m;
- Acad::ErrorStatus es;
- int ret;
- AcDbDatabase *pDb =
- acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();
- // get start and end points
- if(acedGetPoint(NULL, L"\nFirst point: ",
- asDblArray(pt1))!= RTNORM)
- return;
- if( acedGetPoint(asDblArray(pt1), L"\nSecond point: ",
- asDblArray(pt2) ) != RTNORM)
- return;
- // get text position
- AcGePoint3d ptMid( 0.5*(pt1.x + pt2.x), 0.5*(pt1.y + pt2.y),
- 0.5*(pt1.z + pt2.z));
- if(acedGetPoint(asDblArray(ptMid), L"\nDim Line position:",
- asDblArray(ptDim) ) != RTNORM)
- return;
- // get the oblique angle from users
- // please note it's relative to the X axis of current UCS
- ret = acedGetAngle(NULL, L"Oblique angle: <0.0>", &oblAng);
- if( ret == RTNONE ) oblAng = 0.0;
- else if ( ret != RTNORM ) return;
- // calculate the dimension baseline angle
- baseAng = acutAngle(asDblArray(pt1), asDblArray(pt2));
- // create aligned dimension
- AcDbAlignedDimension* pDim = new AcDbAlignedDimension;
- es = pDim->setXLine1Point(pt1); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
- es = pDim->setXLine2Point(pt2); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
- // get transform matrix
- if( !acdbUcsMatrix(m, pDb) ) return;
- // set line points and text position as default
- es=pDim->setDimLinePoint(ptDim); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
- es=pDim->useDefaultTextPosition(); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
- es=pDim->setOblique(oblAng-baseAng); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
- // set default database and transform it to WCS
- pDim->setDatabaseDefaults();
- es = pDim->transformBy(m); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
- // append it to AutoCAD database
- AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBlkRec;
- AcDbObjectId objID;
- es = acdbOpenObject(pBlkRec, pDb->currentSpaceId(),
- AcDb::kForWrite);
- assert(es==Acad::eOk);
- es =pBlkRec->appendAcDbEntity (objID, pDim) ;
- assert(es==Acad::eOk);
- // close it
- pDim->close();
- pBlkRec->close();
- return;
- }
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