- 问题: 如何定义透明的命令,允许在屏幕四个方向分别PAN半个屏幕
- 解决方案:
- The following code defines a transparent pan command for each of the four main
- compass directions:
- #include "rxregsvc.h"
- #include "aced.h"
- #include "dbsymtb.h"
- #include "adscodes.h"
- // Required for AutoCAD 2000
- #include "migrtion.h"
- // Deal with renaming of function in ObjectARX 2000
- #define acdbSetCurrentView acedSetCurrentView
- void panleft();
- void panright();
- void panup();
- void pandown();
- void
- initApp()
- {
- acedRegCmds->addCommand( "PANNER", // Group name
- "panl", // Global function name
- "panl", // Local function name
- &panleft ); // Function pointer
- acedRegCmds->addCommand( "PANNER", // Group name
- "panr", // Global function name
- "panr", // Local function name
- &panright ); // Function pointer
- acedRegCmds->addCommand( "PANNER", // Group name
- "panu", // Global function name
- "panu", // Local function name
- &panup ); // Function pointer
- acedRegCmds->addCommand( "PANNER", // Group name
- "pand", // Global function name
- "pand", // Local function name
- &pandown ); // Function pointer
- }
- void
- unloadApp()
- {
- acedRegCmds->removeGroup( "PANNER" );
- }
- extern "C" AcRx::AppRetCode acrxEntryPoint( AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void *p )
- {
- switch (msg)
- {
- case AcRx::kInitAppMsg:
- acrxRegisterAppMDIAware(p);
- acrxUnlockApplication(p); // try to allow unloading
- initApp();
- break;
- case AcRx::kUnloadAppMsg:
- unloadApp();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return AcRx::kRetOK;
- }
- void
- getCurrentView( AcDbViewTableRecord &view )
- {
- struct resbuf var;
- struct resbuf WCS, UCS, DCS;
- WCS.restype = RTSHORT;
- WCS.resval.rint = 0;
- UCS.restype = RTSHORT;
- UCS.resval.rint = 1;
- DCS.restype = RTSHORT;
- DCS.resval.rint = 2;
- ads采用getvar("VIEWMODE", &var);
- view.setPerspectiveEnabled(var.resval.rint & 1);
- view.setFrontClipEnabled(var.resval.rint & 2 ? true : false);
- view.setBackClipEnabled(var.resval.rint & 4 ? true : false);
- view.setFrontClipAtEye(!(var.resval.rint & 16));
- ads采用getvar("BACKZ", &var);
- view.setBackClipDistance(var.resval.rreal);
- ads采用getvar("VIEWCTR", &var);
- ads采用trans(var.resval.rpoint, &UCS, &DCS, NULL, var.resval.rpoint);
- view.setCenterPoint(AcGePoint2d(var.resval.rpoint[X],
- var.resval.rpoint[Y]));
- ads采用getvar("FRONTZ", &var);
- view.setFrontClipDistance(var.resval.rreal);
- ads采用getvar("LENSLENGTH", &var);
- view.setLensLength(var.resval.rreal);
- ads采用getvar("TARGET", &var);
- ads采用trans(var.resval.rpoint, &UCS, &WCS, NULL, var.resval.rpoint);
- view.setTarget(AcGePoint3d(var.resval.rpoint[X], var.resval.rpoint[Y],
- var.resval.rpoint[Z]));
- ads采用getvar("VIEWDIR", &var);
- ads采用trans(var.resval.rpoint, &UCS, &WCS, TRUE, var.resval.rpoint);
- view.setViewDirection(AcGeVector3d(var.resval.rpoint[X],
- var.resval.rpoint[Y], var.resval.rpoint[Z]));
- ads采用getvar("VIEWSIZE", &var);
- view.setHeight(var.resval.rreal);
- double tst = view.width();
- }
- void
- panleft()
- {
- AcDbViewTableRecord view;
- getCurrentView( view );
- AcGePoint2d viewCen = view.centerPoint();
- viewCen[X] = viewCen[X] - ( view.width() / 2 );
- view.setCenterPoint( viewCen );
- acdbSetCurrentView( &view, NULL );
- }
- void
- panright()
- {
- AcDbViewTableRecord view;
- getCurrentView( view );
- AcGePoint2d viewCen = view.centerPoint();
- viewCen[X] = viewCen[X] + ( view.width() / 2 );
- view.setCenterPoint( viewCen );
- acdbSetCurrentView( &view, NULL );
- }
- 下面是pandown()和panup()的定义函数
- void
- pandown()
- {
- AcDbViewTableRecord view;
- getCurrentView( view );
- AcGePoint2d viewCen = view.centerPoint();
- viewCen[Y] = viewCen[Y] - ( view.height() / 2 );
- view.setCenterPoint( viewCen );
- acdbSetCurrentView( &view, NULL );
- }
- void
- panup()
- {
- AcDbViewTableRecord view;
- getCurrentView( view );
- AcGePoint2d viewCen = view.centerPoint();
- viewCen[Y] = viewCen[Y] + ( view.height() / 2 );
- view.setCenterPoint( viewCen );
- acdbSetCurrentView( &view, NULL );
- }
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